Thursday, October 23, 2014

Taking Care of Your Koi Fish By Using Salt Bath

Treat Your Kois with Salt Bath
Some Koi hobbyist and keepers are wondering why Salt Bath is very important in Koi Keeping. If you are a beginner and just starting to keep Koi fishes, then you must need to read this article. I mean, this is important in Koi keeping. I am a Koi lover so I want to share some tips for those who want to start this hobby.

Keeping a Koi is not that easy, you have to understand the requirements needed in Koi keeping. Koi fish are sensitive and easily die especially if their pond is not properly maintained. So getting back to the Salt Bath. Why it is important in Koi Keeping?

All I can say is that Salt helps treat Koi disease and prevent Kois from stress. I have seen many times from Koi Experts that they are using Salt in their fishponds. The reason was Salt has a bacterial property that fights parasites and bacteria found in Koi pond. Since Koi fish are very sensitive and easily get stress, putting a salt on their pond will help them relax.

What are the Benefits of Salt bath?

1. Salt is cheap and you will find it mostly on convenient stores and any grocery stores.
2. Salt helps' koi from suffering stress and salt treats kois from illness that they get from their pond.
3. Salt fights parasites and bacteria found in koi pond.
4. Salt helps balance the level of koi body fluid system.
5. Salt helps coat the Koi's body preventing the attack of parasites and bacteria.


Remember that only put salt to your pond when your Koi is in a stress condition or has health problems. Overdosing of salt may affect Koi's body and may lead to danger. These article helps you to understand how important Salt Bath for Koi fish. Visit Mitch Koi for more information about salt bath for Kois. If you have more questions, please don't hesitate to send me an email.


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